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Joanna Canning

Certified Consultant


My Story

Hi Everyone. I'm Joanna, mummy to 2 wild toddler boys, and wife to a workaholic. I joined Scentsy in September 2017, I had thought about it before this when I received my first ever warmer as a house warming gift as I fell in love with all the amazing fragrances but never pursued it. When having my make up done for my wee boys christening I got chatting to make up artist and she told me she was a consultant. Initially though great, I know where to come now when need wax :) but then I thought more about becoming a consultant, as at the time I was on maternity leave with my oldest boy and thought a wee bit of extra income would help sustain my addiction to baby boutiques and this would also let me get some freebie to keep my own Scentsy stash going, so a few days later I contacted her and got signed up.

I would say up until April 2020 I treated it more as a hobby, but then I had a good few months and seen a big difference in income and thought, I could really make something of this.

Almost a year on from then my business is successful, I have lots of new customers that are not just friends & family, and even have someone else in my team now.

My why for doing Scentsy has changed a lot since 'just wanting to sustain my Baby shopping habit', now with a 2 & 3 year old, my why is to give them more treat days and we are now on the big save to get back to Sydney to visit my brother, hopefully for Christmas 2022.

My Favourite Scents